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This year, we are doing something new at ABA Camp! During kid’s week (August 19-24), we will be recruiting some teens to serve as volunteer staff during the week and be part of a discipleship program to help them be more effective witnesses for Jesus. They will serve in different roles that are needed to make camp run smoothly, be part of Bible studies and prayer sessions to help them grow, and even have opportunities to invest in the kids who are attending camp. There will be limited spots available and students will be selected through an application process. Contact Jacob Buhler at with any questions.

Teen Servant Bootcamp Application

2024 Camp Update Letter


Kids:      August 19th-24th, 2024

   *Campers are not to arrive early for the staff training.
Counselors must arrive Sunday by 4:00pm for training.
Camper Drop-Off is Monday from 1-3pm* 
   *Look for email for more specific drop off time.
Camper Pick-Up is Saturday at 10am*
   *Parents must sign out their campers before they leave. 



$160 per camper and $145 for each
additional sibling
Counselor/Staff $75 (Ins. Cost)
* Make checks payable to: Adirondack Baptist Association Camp

*Forms need to be received by August 7th, 2024.

Packing  List

Bible, notebook, writing tools, flashlight

Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, brush, comb, floss, towels, washcloth

Bedding: pillow, twin sheets, 2 blankets, or sleeping bag and blanket

Casual dress clothes (jeans and shorts)

Informal dress clothes (no shorts for evenings, dinner or worship)

Sneakers/shoes, coat, sweatshirt, warm clothing

Swimsuit, dark t-shirt (for swimming) and beach towel

Canteen money, for snacks or ABA hoodies or t-shirts

Health & Safety

All medications (including vitamins and supplements) need to be given to the nurse when signing into camp on the first day.  Campers and counselors will go to the nurse for medications.

Immunization Records: The New York State Sanitary Code requires camps to maintain immunization records for all campers which includes dates for all immunization against diphtheria, haemophilus influenza type b, hepatitis b, measles, mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, tetanus and varicella (chickenpox).


The regulations about immunizations are the same as previous years. We CAN allow any child to be present at camp that wants to come. Although, there are some regulations about those who are not immunized for any reason. 
If you are coming to camp and are not immunized, adult or child, we will need a few things: a complete physical from your medical provider, saying specifically that you are not immunized and that you are free from any communicable diseases. Once at camp you will need to report to the nurses cabin, every morning, for quick health check. 


Every camper and counselor/staff member must fill out a GOOGLE FORM & RELEASE FORM.


1) Fill out form.


2) Camper Release Form: Print and return with PARENT SIGNATURE

    Medication Form: Return with DOCTORS SIGNATURE for any medications

    COVID Waiver: Return with PARENT SIGNATURE

    Staff Release Form: Return with PASTORAL REFERRAL SIGNATURE & Shot Record

Upload a photo or pdf and email all necessary forms with signatures to


3) Payment Options:

    A) Mail a check made out to ABA Camp to 

        Caleb & Jen 

        56 Margaret St

        Saranac Lake, NY 12983

   B) Pay online-

       *Coming Soon*

   C) Bring registration money to camp.









Release Form
Release Form
DOH Camp
Info Brochure
Google Form
Google Form


LEADERS: Staff and counselors should be listened to and obeyed. They are in charge of your safety while at camp.  


BOUNDARIES: Camp is divided into areas. The driveway is the dividing line. Girls are not allowed across the exit driveway and boys are not allowed across the entrance driveway.  There is the “girls side” and “boys side”. 


CABINS: Campers should not be the cabins without a counselor. Cabins need to be kept clean and neat at all times. There is no food or drinks (except water) allowed in the cabin, (to keep the critters away!) Fire extinguishers are located in each cabin and should only be used in a fire emergency. Campers to alternate beds, head to toe in your bunks. Furniture and beds should not be rearranged in the cabins. Only girls are allowed in the girls cabins, and the same for boys in the boys cabin. 


DRESS CODE: We have warm days and cool nights at camp.  You will need to dress according to the weather and activity.  The overrule is to dress modestly. Wear casual clothes- jeans and shirts, and shorts are to be modest.  We do not allow halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, short shorts, tight or see-through clothing or anything with advertising or messages that are deemed inappropriate.  No underwear should be showing, (boxers or bras.) Yoga pants and leggings do not count as pants.  For the evening meal and for worship, feel free to dress up. No shorts are allowed for dinner and worship. ABA Camp staff reserves the right to ask individuals to change their clothes if they are considered immodest.

During recreation, campers need to wear sneakers, unless told otherwise by staff.  Going barefoot is not allowed unless it is required for a game. 


ELECTRONICS: No electronic devices allowed, except razors, hair styling items, and alarm clocks. No cell phones.


FIRE DRILLS: There will be a fire drill this week. When you hear the siren, proceed to the rec field and line up with your cabin.  You should not be talking, until you are dismissed.  We need it silent to make sure everyone is accounted for.


EQUIPMENT: Only two people allowed on the teeter totters at a time.  Take turns.  Swing safely, not sideways, too high or jumping off.


HEALTH: All medicine, except epi-pens or fast acting inhalers, must be turned into the camp nurse. Campers must be accompanied by a counselor in order to receive medication or treatment for any injury or complaint. Scheduled medication times are half an hour before and after each meal.


WORSHIP:  You will need your Bible, notebook and a pen or pencil. 


BATHROOMS: Boys stay on the boys side, girls stay on the girls.  After lights out, your counselor needs to escort you to the bathroom.


Relationships: No PDA, public displays of affection.  


MEALS: Please be on time. Announcements are made at meal time.  You must stay in the dining area until dismissed. Please eat something substantial at every meal, we’ll have several options. No campers are allowed in the kitchen, without permission from kitchen staff.


SLEEP: Light’s Out means it’s time for bed.  We will be having a full week and you will need your sleep! Trust us!

Hoodies & Shirts













              T-shirts $15                            Hoodies $30

Shirt 1.jpg

Contact Info

Director: Caleb Clark                  

Assistant Director: Jen Clark       

Camp Cook: Dianna Bogart        

Medical Director: Heather Borachok

Church promotional Items

2024 Camp Pamphlet
2024 Bulletin Insert
2024 Camp
Poster (11x17)
2024 Camp
Poster (8.5x11)
2023 Promo Video
Packing List
Health & Safety
Hoodies & Shirts
Contact Info
Promo Items



45 Delancy Avenue

P.O. Box 325

Brushton, NY 12916

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